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The best accommodation for tomorrow’s rising stars.
What we do
  • New build and refurbishments
  • Development & Construction
  • University Campuses
  • Public/Private partnerships
  • Multi-phased blocks
  • Mixed-use facilities

McLaren Property and McLaren Construction are the forefront of this developing sector, delivering major projects for universities and leading institutions across the UK.

We have a portfolio of investment properties with over 1,200 student units currently under development as part of our quest to source, fund and build accommodation across a range of educational institutions.

We focus on prime locations in London, Oxford and Cambridge where there is high demand from international students, world-renowned universities fanduel nba 2024and restricted supply due to tighter planning policies.

A big impact within student accommodation
Student beds delivered to date by McLaren Property and McLaren Construction
Student beds in pipeline from 2022 onwards
University campus projects

We have delivered some incredible student accommodation schemes from Aberdeen in Scotland to Bristol in the South West of England.

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Student accommodation development

McLaren has delivered 31 student accommodation schemes over the past 12 years through our development subsidiary, McLaren Property.

In detail, this comprises over 7,000 units ranging from high-end bespoke city units designed for international students to large scale 500+ unit blocks.

Student accommodation construction

As a developer and major construction contractor, McLaren can offer real insight into whole-life cost through delivery of high-performing buildings supported by data provided by McLaren Construction.

We understand the key drivers in this sector and can be a smarter partner for our customers using benchmarked operational data at all stages of a project.

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Student accommodation areas of focus

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Affordable Homes

Prior experience of delivering affordable homes has given McLaren a keen understanding of how to be successful within this sector.

We have established a long-standing supply chain of contractors who are experienced at working together, providing partnerships nba fanduel optimizerto support the delivery of high-quality homes within often challenging budgets. This is construction designed to deliver a robust end product which is suitable for regular changes in tenant and will last the course.

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Build to Rent (BTR)

Our experience in large BTR frameworks mean we are continually developing product innovation that focuses on long term asset ownership of large, purpose-designed blocks.

We think differently on a BTR project with focus on joined up communal services and base product specifications that are robust, with scope to change superficial finishing over the long term.

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High Rise living

McLaren selects a highly experienced group of team leaders with experience of delivering numerous nba fandueltowers for new high-rise projects.

We understand what it takes to move people and materials during high-rise building delivery, all whilst the frame is progressing safely at height. We provide expertise on all the intricacies of high-rise cladding systems, fire and access safety and the general complexities of constructing hundreds of apartments floor by floor.

Download our Student Accommodation brochure

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Key contacts

Relevant Projects