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  • Health & Wellbeing Hubs
  • Diagnostic Centres
  • Existing Building Repurposing
  • Building Safety Works
  • Building Services Upgrades
  • Clinical Programme Interface
  • Refurbishment & New Build
  • Acute Facilities & Non-Acute Facilities

At McLaren, we work collaboratively with healthcare teams to deliver bespoke construction solutions.

We are specialists in complex building remodelling, new build health hubs and comprehensive site infrastructure projects. We excel at optimising the value of healthcare estates through meticulous stakeholder engagement, minimising disruptions to both patients and staff.

Whether building hospitals, refreshing tired estates or transforming underused spaces into local medical hubs, today’s healthcare environments must be smart, energy efficient and flexible to change.

Today’s healthcare facilities need to deliver more than just world class care. They need to be smart, futureproofed, efficient, fanduel nba oddsand adaptable to the changing needs of providers.

nba fanduel optimizer

nba fanduel optimizer

As a trusted partner, we bring our agile thinking to bespoke design and construction solutions allowing you to deliver patient care.

Our in-house sector team specialise in acute and non-acute healthcare facilities, from new builds and extensions to service upgrades with design and delivery solutions developed with multiple stakeholders.

We offer early engagement, provide route-to-market recommendations on procurement strategy, and provide expert guidance on how to craft a building delivery solution around your clinical needs ensuring minimal impact on clinical programmes.

With cross-sector expertise covering the full delivery spectrum, fanduel nba 2024our specialist team works collaboratively with private and public sector clients and end users at every stage of the building lifecycle.

Along with our specialist design consultants, developed through long-term relationships and strong integrated teams, can deliver a ‘one-stop-shop’ service for strategic outline cases, to outline and full business cases, estate and master planning through to design and construction delivery.

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Whether it is the delivery of complex refurbishment, or a new healthcare setting, patient care is paramount.

By working in partnership with clinical and estate teams, we are able to ensure patient care is fully integrated into our construction solutions. 

A partnership approach ensures we develop delivery methodologies, phasing strategies, robust commissioning fanduel nba oddsand smooth decant and recant solutions that support patient care and capacity requirements.

This is a top-down, ground-up approach from our Project Lead to deliver the most harmonious of solutions.

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McLaren’s values and mission drive us in creating a solutions-focused approach. We bring forward our entrepreneurial spirit, freshness and energy, to find the right solution for your project. We are adaptable; there is no set delivery plan; each Project is right to demand an open-minded view.

Our teams have a successful track record of delivering value for money; whatever the procurement route we understand the ultimate goal is to ensure maximum output for your patients.

We have access to a strategic and specialist supply chain and by utilising modern methods of construction we can deliver healthcare fanduel nba 2024solutions which focus on clinical needs. Our excellent relationships with design organisations such as architects and engineers allow us to work as a fully integrated team to generate best practices.

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We offer early engagement, providing route to market recommendations on procurement strategy and design responsibilities. McLaren are on several regional and national frameworks and can guide you through the early procurement stages, assembling the design teams, advising on buildability, and providing early cost advise. Many of these frameworks offer a compliant and proven Direct Award option which our team can guide you through.

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